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Our Services

Local Tender/Quotation Market

The Tender/Quotation Market is mainly for local supplies that are mostly of emergency or back-up nature. These contracts are directly between Gina pharmacy Limited  and the local entity, MSD included. The main local entities involved in this process include; Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH), Ocean Road Cancer Institute, Bugando Hospital (Mwanza), Benjamin Mkapa Hospital (Dodoma) and all other referral as well as private Hospitals in Tanzania.

Gina pharmacy Limited  is the bidder and executer of the contract and has to meet all costs involved to execute such contracts as well as ensure quality of delivered items.

Gina pharmacy Limited  has managed to secure and execute Local contracts of well over TZS 600 Million for the one year period ended in March 2022.

Tender Market (Manufacturer)

This market is brought about by MSD requiring to contract directly with Manufacturer. In this case our supplier bids for the tender and contracts directly with MSD. Gina pharmacy Limited  plays the agent role to facilitate smooth business transaction between MSD and our supplier. It is the responsibility of Gina pharmacy Limited  to make sure all communication between the contracting parties are relayed in time and that both parties understand their obligations Gina pharmacy Limited  represents the supplier on all matters local and carries the power of attorney for local representation. In the event goods are not properly packed, labelled, parts are missing, or permits need to be resolved then Gina pharmacy Limited , as a local agent, will step in to solve the problem so that MSD receives the good as expected.

#Gina pharmacy Limited  costs of operations are met by the SUPPLIER.

Current Manufacturer Contract.

Gina pharmacy Limited  has secured several manufacturers’ contracts for its suppliers to MSD. In the one-year period starting March 2022, the total value of Manufacturer contracts amount to over $3 Million. The company has set its targets to more than double the amount in the current year.

International Market

The pharma business is a global business and the same medicine used in Tanzania are needed all over the world. Through our continued search for innovative medicine and our determination to find the best prices for quality products, it is inevitable that the market for Gina pharmacy Limited  is a global one. Our primary target is the neighbouring countries of Tanzania and African sub-saharan region as a whole.

Gina pharmacy Limited  has already established links for possible business in Zambia, Malawi, Rwanda and Uganda. The current strategy is to participate in tenders or quotations in these countries while also identifying partners for distribution of our range of products into the respective countries formularities.

Private Market

The private Market in Tanzania offers a diverse range of business possibilities and offers a great opportunity for  Gina pharmacy Limited  to penetrate with its high quality and affordable products. In its business strategy, Gina pharmacy Limited  intends to serve this segment of the market by at first offering innovative products and then generally offer alternatives to existing market products which in most cases are costly. The private market includes; Pharmacies, Private Hospitals, Distribution agents, Wholesale and retail traders in the medical and pharmaceuticals field etc..

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